At Buy Water, we do not own the water rights listed and we are not responsible for the sale of water rights listed on this site. Our goal is to provide a responsible avenue that connects entrepreneurs who are looking into purchasing water rights. We want to take the water rights industry farther into the digital world, and our offering does exactly that. By allowing individuals to directly connect with someone on the other side of the globe instantly, we hope to revolutionize the trading of water rights. In order to post your water rights to our online listing, you must become a member. Currently our site is still in the Beta phase so posting will be free for a limited time. Information will be available to all of our members, and even the public will be able to view the listings for free. This capability will allow you to actively engage interested parties, that you would not know about without our website. We hope that you enjoy our website, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us directly.